Sunday, April 9

I sure miss my blog. I feel like I am always making apologies for not being here more, but I thought it would help you to know how much I regret the long absences. I was at a cookout last night (test run for a friend's BBQ fest team) that has turned out to have reprocussions in many arenas. My contacts are shriveled up in my eyes from all the woodsmoke and cigarette smoke, and that's just one problem. Some others:
  • My boyfriend of choice for the moment never called me---we were supposed to go out after the Crawfish Boil.
  • Married men were hitting on single girls all over the place, which is where I hope it all ended.
  • One of my friends thought I was hitting on a married man, which I guess is what I deserve for talking to a dude with a baby. A cute little baby at that.
  • I told a practically engaged guy that I always thought he was cute. Just cause I thought he should know (he took it as a compliment, not a come-on. I think. At least that's what he said. How weird.)
  • Then at the end of the party, some of my best friends got into a ridiculous fight that I hope will work itself out eventually.
(We went out after the cookout, which was probably part of the problem with some of my issues last night.) For the most part, I had a great time & hung out with some cool people who I didn't even realized all knew each other. I had some great conversations with a dude from Big Ass Truck and several really cool girls who were all wives of the BBQ team.


Len said...

One of my friends thought I was hitting on a married man, which I guess is what I deserve for talking to a dude with a baby. A cute little baby at that.

I'm a little surprised your friend took it in that fashion. A baby is a woman-magnet, pure and simple (those maternal instincts are just too strong to fight, I suppose), and I have never seen a situation where a single woman has "hit on" a guy with a baby (until she'd verified that he was single, too--I find that the vast majority of women have a well developed instinct for "keeping off the grass", as it were).

Memphis Chix said...

Personally, I stay far away from guys toting babies. I am afraid it may be contagious.
In my friend's defense, the baby left the party shortly after we arrived (with the wife/mom, also very cute).