Wednesday, April 27

I wish I was a little bit taller. . .

I know that's not correct grammar but you must have recognized Too Short! I just had a flash as I was driving through Midtown Memphis this afternoon, and I saw this couple of normal height, with their toddler bawling on the street. You never see couples with toddlers who aren't bawling much anymore. Whatever. My thought was this: If I had reached the height of, say, 5'7" or something, I cannot imagine being me. So much of my identity is tied up in other people's perceptions of me that if I were different physically, I feel I would therefore be different internally. That made no sense just now, but I swear it did in my head.


ml said...

Whoa, you're like so deep.

Memphis Chix said...

Yah, for a short girl!