Sunday, September 12

Sunday is for Football

So now that I have a giant TV in the bedroom, and football is on again, I think I can pretty much live in two rooms of the house. (The bathroom isn't included in room counts in the real estate world.) Boyfriend keeps running back to check alternate scores on internet. Just learned that Morris Day used to have a TV show in 1990 called "New Attitude" that ran for, like, less than one season. Of course it did not run everywhere and local TV never carried it where I lived. Too bad the world was deprived of that talent. Purple Rain & Graffiti Bridge were just not enough for the likes of me. Next week will be busy with meetings, a birthday thingy, then off to the wedding thang -- so I might be unable to post. In case I am not on, please watch the weather and think of me! Don't wanna drive in all that mess if I don't hafta.

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