Sunday, May 15

things I'm embarassed about

An ongoing list. To begin:
  1. I have seriously considered getting some invisible earplugs for rock shows. I swear to god. I'm gettin' old, man.
  2. I'd rather be mean than stupid.
  3. I stayed home the other week on a Friday night reading left-leaning political magazines. And it felt good.
  4. Every time my ex calls I pick up the damn phone. Almost every time. It's some sick compulsion, I dunno.
  5. I don't hate JLo for wearing fur.
  6. I hate her for being beautiful.
  7. Sadly, I don't hate her at all. I like JLo. That's what's embarassing!
  8. I spend more money than is good for me.
  9. I love reading other peoples' confessions.
  10. I am prejudiced against Australians. (It's the accent.) Toni Collette is the exception.
  11. I am sad when no one comments on a post I consider particularly clever.


cube said...

How do you feel about beautiful Australians who stay home & read right-wing magazines on Friday nights while wearing fake fur?

Just kidding. I didn't want you to be sad & I couldn't think of a
clever response to your clever post.

Memphis Chix said...

Uh, they're better than Trekkies, I guess.... Thanks for saving me from post-less sadness!

ml said...

Trekkies wear real fur.